Sunday, May 15, 2011

the struggle to be still

I'm so thankful that I get to go to church every week, because my heart is always challenged after each Sunday has passed, my soul refreshed and my desire to know God more renewed.

Every Saturday night, every Sunday morning my prayer is that the Lord would open up His Word to me as I go for YPG, Sunday school, Worship, Cat. Class. And He really does!

I learnt so much on Sunday, but the thing that stood out to most was what I learnt in Cat. Class.
We were learning from Hebrews 7, about how Jesus is our High Priest and makes intercession for us. P. Mitch reminded us that in the Old Testament the Israelites could only make their request known to God ONCE A YEAR! And they couldn't do it personally, they could only do it through their priest who was half the time corrupt and whatnot. But now, we can talk to God anywhere, anytime, in the good times and bad. We don't have to go to the Holies of Holies just to pray, I can even pray in my toilet! Prayer is truly, truly a sweet privilege. Isn't it? :)

Many times, our prayers are need-driven. Strength to study, a sick friend etc. But yet P. Mitch challenged us to pray, not just because you have needs for God to fulfill (not that it's wrong), but because you just want to be with God, to pour out your heart to Him and to bask in His presence. In that secret place, to really sense His presence, the greatest challenge I find is to be still. To forget all my troubles, distractions and just quiet my soul and focus on the Lord.

Life in Singapore is fast-paced. One minute I'm somewhere and the next second I have to rush somewhere else. Something goes wrong first, and then everything starts going wrong. I do actually sense the Holy Spirit quietly, gently prodding me back to pray, but I just find it so hard to slow down, to say a little prayer and just rest for a second or so in His presence.

The struggle to be still, and know that He is God.

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